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This blog will keep readers informed about updates to the website, and may occasionally include other items about lighter-than-air aviation, as well as replies to some of the more interesting reader inquiries that I receive.

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aerocratAlex GreenRubens Martins Borges Filho Recent comment authors
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Thank you for interesting posts. I enjoy to read your smart blog. Some info from it I publish in my LJ blog AEROCRAT. I’ll be glad if my posts will be interest for you. Welcome/

Alex Green
Alex Green

What a fantastic achievement this website is. A magnificent resource that is both interesting and useful. Congratulations, and keep up the good work.

Rubens Martins Borges Filho
Rubens Martins Borges Filho

In 1936, the Zeppelin Company, with the financial aid of Nazi Germany, built the Hindenburg (the LZ 129), the largest airship ever made. On March 23, 1936, the Hindenburg initiated its first scheduled test transatlantic flight from Europe to South America – Rio de Janeiro-Brazil.Visited the United States, and South… Read more »