Goodyear Airship Calendar Giveaway

To celebrate the New Year, is giving away a 2017 Goodyear Airship Calendar.

2017 Goodyear Airship Calendar

To enter, simply add a comment to this blog post. Feel free to say anything you like (“I love the Goodyear Blimp,” “I want a calendar,” or anything else) and I will use a random number generator to determine which comment is the winner. The contest closes at the end of the day on Monday, January 23, 2017. The giveaway includes free shipping to any USA address.

2017 Goodyear Airship Calendar

Next week I will give away a 2017 Historical Airship Calendar. Feel free to enter both contests if you like.

2017 Historical Airship Calendar

Both calendars are produced by the great folks at the Airship International Press and are also available for purchase. You can buy either calendar for $15.00 with free shipping (or both for $25.00 with free shipping) by emailing or

Please note that I get no commission or any other benefit from the sale of these calendars; I just think you will like them.


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I wish Goodyear would build a rigid dirigible for old time’s sake. 🙂


I need a historical calendar badly!


What a cool calendar! I remember watching for the blimp on family outings as a child.


Happy New Year! I would love to have this calendar!

Craig Glassner
Craig Glassner

A home town calendar I’d love to have!

Ray Collins
Ray Collins

Growing up in Akron it has always been the sound that had me running out the door to look up and see the majesty of the blimp.

andrew clark
andrew clark

Airships are incredible!!

Eric Sack
Eric Sack

Worked on airships for a number of years. Glad to see Goodyear and Zeppelin working together again. Nice ship, the NT.

Buddy Estes
Buddy Estes

Love the Goodyear Airships. I never get tired of seeing them. And every time you look up & see 1 ….you just have to smile & wave.